About Mkhondo FM

Mkhondo Community Radio

Mkhondo Community Radio
was initiated by a group of youth residing within the Mkhondo Municipality lead by the vision carrier Mr. Sabelo Luther Hlatshwayo. The initiative started by the year 2006 and was registered in 2009 as an association incorporated under Section 21 of the Act registration number 2009/01617/08 and approved as a public benefit organization by SARS registration number 9283536176.

It is governed by a Board of Directors elected democratically by members of the community, to actively participate in the development and programming activities, for sustainable non-discriminatory and local development. It went on air for the first time on the 4th of December 2014.

It was conceived as a result of the need to address various avenues of development within the Mkhondo Communities. Energies are directed towards tackling the demands of awaking programmes to address cultural development, poverty alleviation, education, community development, socio-economic and political awareness, health issues, economic development and issues related to human rights in particular the HIV Aids pandemic, children and women abuse or any other issue that can enhance the welfare of the people within Mkhondo Municipality and its vicinity. The radio promises to offer an assertive, impartial platform that shall aid the development of communities, project human rights, and be beyond reproach in its integrity, and in upholding human dignity.

The station operates with a board of directors who set the overall vision and perspective, there are five management staff members who coordinate the administration, technical and programming departments, and twenty-three volunteer staff members who work as radio presenters and eight stringers.

Mission Statement

The mission of the station is to be a vibrant community sound broadcasting service committed to the principles enshrined in the South African Constitution, critically and actively promotes dialogue amongst constituent communities and original quality programmes which address the communities  needs.

Vision Statement

To provide the community with a platform for dialogue and be a catalyst for cultural understanding and tolerance amongst different communities residing in the Southern District of Mpumalanga Province in South Africa.

  • To educate the society
  • To inform the community on all aspects of life
  • To empower communities through communication
  • To en trench democracy within our society
  • To lobby and advocate against abuse of children and women rights
  • To make meaningful contribution towards community development

Mkhondo Community Radio station is located in Mac Street, Piet   Retief Tourism Center under Mkhondo Municipality in Mpumalanga Province.

Management Structure

Mkhondo Community Radio Management embraces the Station Manager as the head of departments, Human Resource head, Finance and Administration head, Programming and production head, Marketing and Sales head, News head, Technical and Library head.

The Team

Mkhondo Community Radio consists of five management staff members, eighteen presenters, three news readers and two journalists.

Core Values
  • Service– we believe that serving others is a noble and worthy endeavour
  • Excellence– we seek excellence in all our endeavours, and we are committed to continuous improvement.
  • Integrity– we are committed to the principles of truth and honesty, and will remain equitable, ethical and professional.
  • Diversity– we acknowledge and respect others  and value diversity of opinion, freedom of expression, and other ethical and cultural backgrounds
  • Stewardship of Resources– we are dedicated to the efficient and effective use of resources. We accept the responsibility of the community’s trust and are accountable for our actions
  • Intellectual freedom– we believe in ethical and scholarly questioning in an environment that respects the rights of all to freely pursue knowledge

Mkhondo FM 98.6

The Real Voice Of The People

Current track