Bheki Mtshali / Radio Personality

Media Early Years

Born and bred in Mkhondo, Bheki Mtshali is a journalist, radio presenter, voice-over artist, poet and a Rap Music artist that always aims at bettering his skills through learning. Starting his early years in radio after graduation, he was firstly part of Mbokodo FM, 96.8 which is situated in Pinetown, in Kwa-Zulu Natal.  There, he grew up by exposing mind to his surroundings and proximity, which is very crucial to him.

Present Time

Being part of Mkhondo FM, 98.6 for the past 3 years has taught Oddity that patience is virtue and, he now fully understands that, that is key when it comes to chasing his goals. Here, he is part of the Mkhondo FM’s News Department and always prioritizes local content more as opposed to that of national. Besides that, he runs a successful Hip Hop show that’s aired every Saturday between 21:00 to 01:00.


Looking at the future and more goals, Oddity is confident that he’s going to be one of the biggest radio presenters in Mpumalanga and even in South Africa. Through hard work and patience, everything is going to fall in place. Experience is not bout, it’s worked for.


Twitter: @Oddity_PR

Instagram: @Oddity_PR

Mkhondo FM 98.6

The Real Voice Of The People

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